Musician Index

Click on the Index button in the Musician section of the tool bar.

This screen displays each musician entered in the database in alphabetical order, with the range of years they recorded, their instruments and the number of sessions the musician is on. It provides the "big picture" of the musician entries in the database.

Musician names in the musician index have been standardized. e.g. Harry Edision, Harry "Sweets" Edision, Sweet Edison, etc. have been standardized to Harry "Sweets" Edision.

Use the controls in your web browser program including the Home, End, Cursor up/down, Page up/down keys and the mouse to position the display.

Use the Previous Page and Next Page buttons to display more musicians in alphabetical order.

Click on the musician's name to go to the Musician Detail screen to display full details of the sessions this musician has appeared in.