Tune List

This index refers to the 613,864 individual tune titles (1,787,172 total entries) included in over 266,860 recording sessions detailed in The Jazz Discography Database as of February 2025.

Important Notice for individuals searching for specific tunes:
Due to time and other constraints, we are unable to respond to requests for discographical data or other information on individual tunes. Many libraries have copies of The Jazz Discography and should be consulted on questions regarding specific tunes. Alternatively, you can purchase a $9.99 per month subscription price on our home page. Please do not email us as we regret we cannot answer questions about individual tunes.

Tune Title Sessions
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You forgot your change1
Yes, again1
Yaroslavna "Song of sorrow"1
Yoraba gospel1
Yun da deo1
You got rhythm1
You get what you want1
You'll thank me later1
Your crooked heart1
You're far too near me1
You took care of me1
You have become my fate1
Yo, you just do that shit to be cute1
Yehudi Menuhin was right: stop shooting...share1
You three are a right pair if ever there was one1
You think you're funny1
You turn me on I'm a radio1
You be you but let me be me1
You've got to get it1
You make my heart dance1
Yoruba land1
Your heart's timeless charms1
You stepped out of a nightmare1
You know me1
Your cuplets brimming1
Your ermine soil, its viands1
Yellow train1
Ynot 1
You know it's me1
You and me by the Christmas tree1
You must forget sometimes1
Y-O-U controls me1
Yo me enamore de un aire1
Your eyes may be a street1
Yesterday's man1
You shook me all night long1
You and the night1
Yasmina soubresaute1
You noticed2
Yedid nefesh/shema1
You are like spring1
You take me home1
Yellow woods1
Yo no se porque la vida es asi si tu naciste para ser feliz...1
Year of the ox2
Yes bossa1
You got ev'ry thing a sweet mama needs1
You can't see1
You can't fight the satellite blues1
You must believe in xin1
You'll know when you see her2
Yihla moya1
You want what you can't have1
Year of the rooster1
Yo! Yo! dime1
Yemaya en agua larga1
Yo mama's blues1
You are free to go1
You me who1
You see, you don't2
You are not finally dead3
You are my firm1
You broke me1
Your pure self1
You leave me fretless1
Yumi and I1
You can't unring bells1
You're stuck till I call1
You and I and the autumn1
You gotta treat it gentle2
You made me1
You are all3
You make time1
You don't have to3
You got soul3
Yoshke fort avek2
Yuba a santurce1
You fit perfect to me1
Your arms around me now1
You are what you are2
You irritate me1
You always saw the best in me1
You can't buy swing1