Tune List

This index refers to the 613,864 individual tune titles (1,787,172 total entries) included in over 266,860 recording sessions detailed in The Jazz Discography Database as of February 2025.

Important Notice for individuals searching for specific tunes:
Due to time and other constraints, we are unable to respond to requests for discographical data or other information on individual tunes. Many libraries have copies of The Jazz Discography and should be consulted on questions regarding specific tunes. Alternatively, you can purchase a $9.99 per month subscription price on our home page. Please do not email us as we regret we cannot answer questions about individual tunes.

Tune Title Sessions
Advanced Search
You laugh1
You'll never say yes1
Years of dreaming1
You appear1
You reap what you sew1
Yuo zuo1
You've got to do it1
You're a special part of me1
Your heart is as black as night2
You ain't nothing but a JAMF1
You've got a job to do1
You're older1
You came like welcome rain1
Your love amazes me1
You have a wrong number1
Yellow cloud1
Yada yada yada2
Yo vivo enamorao1
You can't love 'em all2
You have changed my life1
Yom yavo1
Ya safwati1
You're trying too hard1
Yttling jazz # 1
You're my cup of tea1
You all1
Younger than spring1
You're all that I need to get by1
Y'a du bruit dans ma cabane: Buanderie Montrealaise1
Y'a du bruit dans ma cabane: Positions d'amour1
Y'a du bruit dans ma cabane: Discussion au living room1
Ya Salam1
You've changed my world1
You aren't all that1
You're no angel1
You're starting to feel like home1
You wouldn't cross the street1
You don't know that1
Yes mother1
You're out1
York town girl1
You slipped away1
You will always be around1
Ying and yan1
You're so pretty, amazing graces1
Yak attack2
You remember?1
Yasmine's dance1
Yizkor for martyrs1
Yo te enseno lola1
Yearning for Zion1
Y solo tu y yo1
Y tu que has hecho1
Y tal vez1
Yui's dance1
You smile I cry1
Yamanaka-ko elegy1
Yacub's history1
You're the one I think I waited for1
Your cheating heart3
You're from Texas1
Yildiray benzin1
Yellow brick road3
Yedi yer, yedi gok1
Yine de...1
Yann, the boogieman1
Your truth1
Yes we can - a victory dance1
Yup, we did1
Yes I'm country1
Yume no naka - In the dream1
Your breath smells1
Yo vull que m'acaricis1
You're missing me tonight1
You can count of me1
Yes I remember Clifford1
Your complexities2
You didn't know what that meant1
You've got the fever1
Your little voice1
You've got a friend in me8
Yes this is it!1
Young angel1
Yellow mountain2
Your love makes me love you1
You told me so1
You know you're a man1