Tune List

This index refers to the 613,864 individual tune titles (1,787,172 total entries) included in over 266,860 recording sessions detailed in The Jazz Discography Database as of February 2025.

Important Notice for individuals searching for specific tunes:
Due to time and other constraints, we are unable to respond to requests for discographical data or other information on individual tunes. Many libraries have copies of The Jazz Discography and should be consulted on questions regarding specific tunes. Alternatively, you can purchase a $9.99 per month subscription price on our home page. Please do not email us as we regret we cannot answer questions about individual tunes.

Tune Title Sessions
Advanced Search
Your point ?1
Young mum's bums1
You I like1
You take me away2
You make me sing1
You might say1
Yellow is the colour1
You never want to tell people you're a scent1
You were mine1
Yackty yak1
You can't change a man1
You'd never know that old home town of mine1
You've got to show it to mother2
You'll never know that old home town of mine1
You maybe can't do it1
You ought to be ashamed of yourself1
Your hellish ways1
You know baby4
Yankee medley1
You got to drop the sack1
You're tired of me1
You are my heartbeat1
You + I1
Your dream or mine ?1
You know what I like1
You're a groove1
You always love the same girl1
You can't do anything about it1
Your grace stand guard all 'round my house1
Your grace stands guard all 'round my house1
Your palm on the window drawing1
Yes, dove1
Yes, I love U 1
You're tearing my heart1
Yellow fewer1
You've got a bad case of the blues1
You know I can't refuse1
You fool1
You and our lullaby1
You ain't too old1
You talk a little trash5
You know I'll love you tomorrow1
You're the one for me, sweetheart1
You gotta pay those dues1
You got to laugh1
You're my Christmas1
You ain't puttin out nothing but the lights1
You got something there1
You need me now1
You can't go wrong2
You broke your vows1
Your papa is a soldier again1
You can't proposition me1
You can't stop love1
You ain't quittin' me without two weeks' notice1
You ain't nothin', baby1
You don't say anything of love1
You and I and Buddha1
You'e got me crying again1
You may2
You perfect stranger1
You won't go when I go1
You're everything but mine1
You can't get away from the blues1
Young man on the way up1
You haven't hurt me1
You bug me baby2
You ask for good reason1
You can stay1
You're breaking my heart no more1
You made my day1
You did it to me1
You'll kiss and run away1
You can if you try1
Your funeral my trial1
You Tarzan - me Jane1
You know you don't love me1
You broke my heart1
You'll be my love1
Yo' Bobby !1
You already home1
You belong to you2
Yazoo moon1
You gotta move5
You're home now1
You, me and now1
You make me want to dance1
You forgot to remember1
You don't know par1
You've got everything a sweet daddy needs but me1
You'd better love him1
You made me very happy1
You is all I need1
You got troubles1
Your arms of love1
You got the move1