Tune List

This index refers to the 613,864 individual tune titles (1,787,172 total entries) included in over 266,860 recording sessions detailed in The Jazz Discography Database as of February 2025.

Important Notice for individuals searching for specific tunes:
Due to time and other constraints, we are unable to respond to requests for discographical data or other information on individual tunes. Many libraries have copies of The Jazz Discography and should be consulted on questions regarding specific tunes. Alternatively, you can purchase a $9.99 per month subscription price on our home page. Please do not email us as we regret we cannot answer questions about individual tunes.

Tune Title Sessions
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Yours next to mine1
You'd better stop2
You tore me up inside1
You give me joy1
Yuri's choice1
You'd better change your tune1
You are music2
You appeal to me1
Yours is mine1
Yurt music1
Your call4
You've been squeezin' my lemons1
You're so damn mean, baby1
You busted my bubble1
Yack, yack this and that1
You're mighty beautiful1
You never miss a good thing till it's gone1
Yam yam1
You took me to the cleaners1
You see5
You're the top crust1
Your wings can't fly1
You turned the lamps too low1
Your funny lookin' self1
You are the melody of my life1
You want me to stop loving you1
You can't take my love1
You noticed too1
Yea ! mos' emfrantically1
You stepped into some changes1
You've got to recognize me1
You make me laugh3
You've got to prove it to me1
You're my woman, you're my lady1
Yeah suffer baby1
Yeah mbira1
You've been haunting my dreams2
Your exit1
Ysi ruusu on kasvanut laaksossa1
Yard & Newk2
You're what ?1
Young people with faces1
Yes you have1
You got to play ragtime1
You speak and speak and colegram1
You don't have to know1
You don't know the reason1
You wouldn't, you couldn't1
You've been around too long1
You got my wife, but I got your dog1
You only love once1
Yuffie's lament1
Yo tengo ritmo2
Your love has me rockin' and reelin'1
You said you had a woman1
You'll still be by girl1
You, you4
You'll fall in love again1
Your turn4
You are the shining sun1
You're simply drivin' me mad1
Your lover is getting me down1
You're here my Lord1
You glory1
Year of his age1
You owe it to yourself1
Young and pretty bride1
Yonge Street boogie1
You ought to have a wife1
You'll find me there1
Yolanda pachanga2
Yankee clipper2
You've got possibilities1
You belong to somebody else1
You are my joy1
You here and now1
You got to be a good man1
You leave me breatheless1
You knew what I needed1
Yksinainen saksofoni1
Yon veljeskunta1
You're reported1
You are the ghost of a romance in June1
You or me4
Yo no canto por cantar1
You've got Buckley's1
You're not my kind1
You've got your socks mixed up1
Yellow sweetclover1
Your baby ain't sweet like mine3
You can't make love alone1
You can't have my love no more1
You make me so happy1
You may have loved before1