Tune List
This index refers to the 613,864 individual tune titles (1,787,172 total entries) included in over 266,860 recording sessions detailed in The Jazz Discography Database as of February 2025.
Important Notice for individuals searching for specific tunes:
Due to time and other constraints, we are unable to respond to requests for discographical data or other information on individual tunes. Many libraries have copies of The Jazz Discography and should be consulted on questions regarding specific tunes. Alternatively, you can purchase a $9.99 per month subscription price on our home page. Please do not email us as we regret we cannot answer questions about individual tunes.
Tune Title | Sessions |
Advanced Search |
You'll never make it | 1 |
You want let me go | 1 |
Yackety yac | 1 |
Your little poodle | 1 |
You got a lot of soul | 1 |
Youth want to know | 1 |
You called me at last | 1 |
You'll soon be singing the blues | 1 |
You listened | 1 |
Y.O.Y. | 1 |
You've got me crying my heart out | 1 |
You are closer to my heart | 1 |
You won't have no mamma at all | 2 |
Yes indeed he do | 2 |
You ought to be ashamed | 1 |
Your dining pleasure | 1 |
You'll never miss your water | 1 |
You don't know who's shakin' your tree | 1 |
Yet another phase | 1 |
You can't get it now | 1 |
You're getting old on your job | 1 |
You can't stay here no more | 1 |
You may be trash to someone | 2 |
You get 'cha | 1 |
Yesterday was cool | 1 |
You'd better go man | 1 |
You can't keep a good man down | 2 |
You can't do it | 1 |
Your voice speaks | 1 |
You can't stay here | 1 |
You are forever young | 1 |
Yes, my heart | 1 |
Yum ticky tum tum | 1 |
You could break my heart | 1 |
You lovely you | 2 |
You've got to beat me to keep me | 1 |
You only see her | 1 |
You can't say anything nice | 1 |
You missed a good woman when you picked all over Me | 2 |
Yopo | 1 |
You, so it's you | 1 |
Ynori/Lobmag | 1 |
Young afro brown | 1 |
Ya no importa | 1 |
Young like | 1 |
You bring out the savage in me | 2 |
You don't remember | 1 |
You're not the kind of boy | 1 |
You is my woman | 1 |
Yataali | 1 |
Yack Gi | 1 |
Your brow, my brow | 1 |
You got me woodooed | 1 |
You're acting deaf and dumb | 1 |
You can't get along when you're with 'em or without 'em | 1 |
You are what this day is all about | 1 |
You are more distant every day | 1 |
Ya no cantos chingola | 1 |
You're gonna flip, mom | 1 |
You and the girl | 1 |
You are never away | 2 |
Your time | 1 |
Yard bird | 1 |
Your love has lifted me | 1 |
Yesterday's memories | 1 |
Yo no se nada | 1 |
YK blues | 1 |
You're the dreamer, I'm the dreamer | 1 |
Yankee doodle hayride | 1 |
You can take my word for it, baby ! | 3 |
You can cry on somebody else's shoulder | 1 |
You weren't true | 1 |
You dirty no gooder | 1 |
You've gotta have what it takes | 1 |
You're a rank stud | 1 |
You're my man | 4 |
You make me want to sing | 1 |
You're movin' me | 1 |
Your bright red lips | 1 |
You'll have one heart less | 1 |
You turned the tables on you | 1 |
Your laughing at me | 1 |
You couldn't | 1 |
You wonderful gal | 2 |
You do have money, don't you ? | 1 |
You can't castle in check | 1 |
Yva | 2 |
You're finally getting to me | 1 |
You fly in my brain like an airplane | 1 |
You were revealed | 1 |
Yonah | 1 |
Young generation | 1 |
You gat me losing your mind | 1 |
You've got something | 3 |
Your husband's cheating on us | 1 |
You darlin' ! | 2 |
Yomm, l'amour absolu | 1 |
You in that nightie | 1 |
You're life | 1 |
You wear love love so well | 1 |