Tune List

This index refers to the 613,864 individual tune titles (1,787,172 total entries) included in over 266,860 recording sessions detailed in The Jazz Discography Database as of February 2025.

Important Notice for individuals searching for specific tunes:
Due to time and other constraints, we are unable to respond to requests for discographical data or other information on individual tunes. Many libraries have copies of The Jazz Discography and should be consulted on questions regarding specific tunes. Alternatively, you can purchase a $9.99 per month subscription price on our home page. Please do not email us as we regret we cannot answer questions about individual tunes.

Tune Title Sessions
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Yes, she's gone1
You're so worth the waiting for1
You don't worry my mind1
You never should have loved me1
You can't make a woman change her mind1
Yours is the light3
You don't need to cry anymore1
Yes, I know what it means to miss New Orleans2
You're gonna miss me around here1
You know what that means1
You got to feed the fire1
You gotta make me cry1
You've got the papers1
You're more than I can stand1
You can't hold a man1
You made me cry once too often1
Yougoslavian railroad song1
Your political movie1
Yon a ho1
Ya na ho6
You cost too much2
Yes, my goodness, yes1
You're the great one1
You ain't got a dime to my name1
Yours not mine1
You'll never find another love1
Young, gifted and black1
Yester-me, yester-you, yesterday3
Yuki no genso1
You told summertime1
Yarn yard1
You've got what ?1
You're my freight train1
You ah you1
Yussufs traum1
Y en A1
You never miss your water1
You took my love too fast1
You can bet your life1
You're coming home1
You can't see thunder1
You and me together2
You think of him1
You're my who's who1
You restless angel1
You can have your snake and eat it too1
You cannot that shimmy here1
You got to have that thing1
Yummy yummy yum1
You'll be some wonderful girl1
You'd be satisfied1
Young and ambitious1
You've got to be a football hero1
Yubie, Yubie1
You'd be so easy to love4
Yo kyopelinvuorella1
You're everything to me5
Your song is with me1
Your smiling face3
You say I do1
You give me the blues1
Your live speaks to me1
You're so you1
You in mind1
Your love is like a dream come true1
Your head is now a drum1
You and her1
Your territory1
Yes, well, no1
Yesterday's heroes1
Young heart1
Young in the 's2
York's sauna2
Yes we can can8
You owe me4
You've made me happy today1
You can't cry over my shoulder1
You've made my dreams come true1
You aint' no such a much1
You and me wanted it all1
You dig, I hear you, you know what I mean, etc.1
Ye ke ye ke1
YTNOP blues1
You're irreplaceable1
You've got that look3
Your green eyes1
You can't get stuff on your cuff1
You've got me voodooed2
Yes, oh yes, you wonderous sun kissed maiden !1
Y en a marre1
Yvan Ivanovitch Kossiakow1
You're away in Kawaihae1
Year of the snake6
Your embrace3
You are with me1
Your good, good loving1