Tune List
This index refers to the 613,864 individual tune titles (1,787,172 total entries) included in over 266,860 recording sessions detailed in The Jazz Discography Database as of February 2025.
Important Notice for individuals searching for specific tunes:
Due to time and other constraints, we are unable to respond to requests for discographical data or other information on individual tunes. Many libraries have copies of The Jazz Discography and should be consulted on questions regarding specific tunes. Alternatively, you can purchase a $9.99 per month subscription price on our home page. Please do not email us as we regret we cannot answer questions about individual tunes.
Tune Title | Sessions |
Advanced Search |
Your eyes are bigger than your heart | 1 |
Yea boo | 1 |
Your picture's hanging crooked on the wall | 1 |
You're a clown | 1 |
Your wings | 2 |
Young man's fool | 1 |
You ain't all that | 1 |
You gotta rock 'n roll | 1 |
Years go by | 1 |
Your fate has come | 1 |
Yavonna | 2 |
Yearnin' learnin' | 2 |
You can't have the cake and eat it too | 1 |
You turn me on sumpin' fierce | 1 |
You first | 1 |
You dig that | 1 |
YO- | 1 |
Yuki no furu machi o | 1 |
You got to me crazy | 1 |
You got to 'low it, babe | 3 |
You can't tell the depth of the well | 1 |
Your mother's tears | 1 |
Yasahiku | 1 |
Yok ! | 1 |
Yves Klein | 1 |
Yet to be | 5 |
Yellow bell | 5 |
Y tenia un lunar | 1 |
You don't want to do that | 1 |
Young's dream | 1 |
Your ideas are my ideas | 1 |
You can have him, I don't want him, didn't love him anyhow blues | 2 |
Your mama's gonna slow you down | 1 |
Yerba buena stomp | 1 |
Yellowjackets get together | 1 |
Yo tengo una pena | 1 |
You are somebody | 1 |
Yesteryear | 6 |
You'll never miss your water 'till your well runs dry | 1 |
You're gonna get a letter in the morning | 1 |
You big... | 1 |
You're fine, but not my kind | 1 |
You better look out | 2 |
You just kissed me goodbye | 1 |
You got me crying | 2 |
You'll have to put a nightie on Aphrodite | 1 |
Yngvessong | 1 |
You should know me by now | 1 |
You're never gonna understand | 1 |
You've got the right touch | 1 |
You can't argue with ignorance | 1 |
You're the type I love | 1 |
You're my little sweetheart | 1 |
You can't live rhythm | 1 |
Ypres | 1 |
You are not the robot Chuck | 1 |
You come in here woman | 1 |
Your shirt tails out | 1 |
You need coachin' | 1 |
You'd be frantic too | 1 |
Your spleen perhaps | 1 |
You give your love to me | 1 |
Yamonos pal'monte | 1 |
Yo no se | 1 |
You done tore your pants with me | 1 |
You've gone | 2 |
You could love me more | 1 |
You like me too much | 1 |
Yologo/Banfora | 1 |
Yalogo/Banfora | 1 |
You only love me ten days a year | 1 |
You can't escape your destiny | 1 |
You made me like it, baby | 1 |
You can't loose a broken heart | 1 |
Yardin' with Yard | 1 |
You mean old world | 1 |
You you you are the one | 1 |
You see me | 1 |
You shaking things up | 1 |
Yak yak yak | 1 |
You don't know about love | 1 |
You're worrying me | 1 |
You cut the biggest hog, baby | 1 |
You'll finally understand | 1 |
Yellin' | 2 |
Year out | 1 |
You're never fully dressed without a smile | 4 |
You can't judge a book by the cover | 1 |
You are to me everything | 1 |
You should be set to music | 3 |
Yoo-hoo | 3 |
You're a mystery to me | 1 |
You need hands | 1 |
You're a livin' doll | 1 |
Yeah men ! | 1 |
You are my audience | 1 |
You'll be seeing me again | 1 |
You missed the sunflowers at their height | 1 |
You're so kind | 2 |
You sure drive a hard bargain | 1 |