Tune List
This index refers to the 575,549 individual tune titles (1,701,015 total entries) included in over 256,741 recording sessions detailed in The Jazz Discography Database as of December 2022.
Important Notice for individuals searching for specific tunes:
Due to time and other constraints, we are unable to respond to requests for discographical data or other information on individual tunes. Many libraries have copies of The Jazz Discography and should be consulted on questions regarding specific tunes. Alternatively, you can purchase a three-month subscription for $29.97 on this web site – see the $9.99 per month subscription price on our home page. Please do not email us as we regret we cannot answer questions about individual tunes.
Tune Title | Sessions |
Advanced Search |
Wishing I were with you | 1 |
Wintertime fling | 1 |
Willy's in trouble again | 1 |
Winter's passage Luxor | 1 |
Wilder shores of love | 1 |
We can look from hearts into eyes | 1 |
Wrong ago | 1 |
Whoop-de-doo | 1 |
Welcome to Liz Land | 1 |
Walkin' ghost | 1 |
Where the wild clematis grow | 1 |
What love exotique | 1 |
West Toronto ode | 1 |
Walk sign is on for all crossings | 1 |
Woodmere | 1 |
We are a warrior | 1 |
Work continues | 1 |
Wolf mother | 1 |
Wrangled | 1 |
When you're all dolled up in a sky blue shirt | 1 |
Without a net | 1 |
Waxing Brasilian | 1 |
Warrior's chapel | 1 |
Wax cabinet | 1 |
Wood and string | 1 |
We were simply meant to be | 1 |
Wurundjeri, the majestic | 1 |
Why can't they see it ? | 1 |
Water thief | 2 |
Woke up on the kitchen floor | 1 |
Wild leaves falling | 1 |
Winter wonderland ) | 1 |
Whole and resounding love | 1 |
Worn not weary | 1 |
Winkin', blinkin', and nod | 1 |
Warming up with the moon | 1 |
We live in Brooklyn baby | 1 |
World of fire | 1 |
We're in a hurry | 1 |
Wanjiku | 1 |
Where's my wallet ? | 1 |
What I feel | 1 |
Willughbeia sarawacensis | 1 |
We're so bold | 1 |
We do what we do | 1 |
When everything stopped | 1 |
With blood I summon thee | 1 |
Waiting for JH | 1 |
West Berkely St. | 1 |
Wit & whimsy | 1 |
We, indivisible, separate | 1 |
Waiver | 1 |
Well planned well played | 1 |
Wein | 1 |
What dreamers dream | 1 |
What can you mach | 1 |
When the nature wakes up | 1 |
World war ) | 1 |
Why choose the moon ? | 1 |
While | 1 |
Working the night shift | 1 |
When we are | 1 |
We walk in the gardens of our ancestors | 1 |
Wash me throughly | 1 |
Waiting for change | 1 |
Whisper back | 1 |
Winter drops | 1 |
We be all Africans | 1 |
Wanda's alfalfa | 1 |
Wny not | 1 |
Whispering tenderness | 1 |
Where do you turn to now ? | 1 |
We are animal | 1 |
Wrong but it's right | 1 |
Wasted blame | 1 |
Whose face | 1 |
Wobblin' around | 1 |
Weeping wall | 1 |
When I wanted to count starts | 1 |
Wrioter | 1 |
Where my heart lives | 1 |
Well red | 1 |
Walk over walk | 1 |
Winescapes | 1 |
Walking on thin ice with the iron shoes | 2 |
Within the neck | 1 |
Whispered song | 1 |
Walthamstow moon | 1 |
Wayne's whorl | 1 |
Wood wide web | 1 |
With roses | 1 |
Wolkenwerpen | 1 |
Westend Row | 1 |
Waters of non-existence | 1 |
What broke you ? | 1 |
Who shall grant me flight | 1 |
We are experiencing turbulence | 1 |
Wave crest | 1 |
Where do you come from and where do you go ? | 1 |
Weltenbummler | 1 |