Tune List
This index refers to the 575,549 individual tune titles (1,701,015 total entries) included in over 256,741 recording sessions detailed in The Jazz Discography Database as of December 2022.
Important Notice for individuals searching for specific tunes:
Due to time and other constraints, we are unable to respond to requests for discographical data or other information on individual tunes. Many libraries have copies of The Jazz Discography and should be consulted on questions regarding specific tunes. Alternatively, you can purchase a three-month subscription for $29.97 on this web site – see the $9.99 per month subscription price on our home page. Please do not email us as we regret we cannot answer questions about individual tunes.
Tune Title | Sessions |
Advanced Search |
Where the world went | 1 |
Why, you ask | 1 |
WSMay-MA | 1 |
WSMay-JJ | 1 |
WSMay-LA | 1 |
WSMay-SF | 1 |
Wasp honey | 1 |
What place can be for us ? A suite in ten movements: | 1 |
We went where the wind took us | 1 |
What place can be for us ? | 1 |
Waltz for Fern | 1 |
When Riku saw the colors dancing | 1 |
Walkin' the city | 1 |
Whoever lived here | 1 |
Woodman, spare that tree | 1 |
Warren's way | 1 |
Where's the any key | 1 |
What's inside | 1 |
Water/HO | 1 |
What love could be | 1 |
We will rise | 1 |
West Coast spirit | 1 |
Weariness has a name | 1 |
Waltz for Jack | 1 |
Waking up with the trap | 1 |
Watercolor ghost | 1 |
Wind swept rain storm | 1 |
Wind blowing through trees | 1 |
Wind howling heavily | 1 |
Wind howling lightly | 1 |
Water splash | 1 |
Walking up on wood | 1 |
Walking away on wood | 1 |
Walking past on wood | 1 |
Walking around on wood | 1 |
Walkers persp. | 1 |
Woman sobbing | 1 |
Woman screaming | 1 |
Woman shrieking | 1 |
Walking through brush | 1 |
Where is Salvador ? | 2 |
With eyes unclouded | 1 |
Welin in Acapulco | 1 |
Water/strike | 1 |
Was die welt im innersten zusammenhaelt | 1 |
Waking up in Lechmere | 1 |
Wooden chair | 1 |
Who, over years in your care | 1 |
Weichholzaue | 1 |
Way home the return | 1 |
World wind | 1 |
Wandering around | 1 |
While he slept | 1 |
Wedo | 1 |
Whirling in the air | 1 |
Who built the ark | 1 |
What kind of shoes you gwine to wear | 1 |
Who'll jine de Union | 1 |
Walk together children | 1 |
Watch yourself go by | 1 |
Wille | 1 |
Wing - Pseudostylic | 1 |
Witches waltz | 1 |
Wilderland | 1 |
Wind song titles | 1 |
What say you | 1 |
We can't pretend it's one minute to midnight forever | 1 |
Waiting for the Bora | 1 |
Wax hypnotic | 1 |
Westduinkerke | 1 |
Wild wanderings | 1 |
Where haggis safely graze | 1 |
Wedding polska | 1 |
Wrong exit | 1 |
Would it be white | 1 |
Wandelgang - Cantus firmus | 1 |
Wandelgang - Hexa stapeln + solisten | 1 |
Wandelgang - storfeuer | 1 |
Waltz for Katy | 1 |
Wish cloud | 1 |
West End carnival | 1 |
Work out | 1 |
Wifi addiction | 1 |
Walrus ivory | 1 |
Waltz for Xose | 1 |
Watermelon man version | 1 |
Wet engine | 1 |
What the sparrow did | 1 |
Wowge | 1 |
Won't fade away | 1 |
Walzette | 1 |
Who do you have to know ? | 1 |
Wyrick's fable | 1 |
We wept in turn | 1 |
Wenen | 1 |
When I play with the lines of your hands and draw the future | 1 |
Worms of underground | 1 |
Whistle Island | 1 |
Welcome to Medicare ! | 1 |
Walk through daydreams, sleep through nightmares | 1 |