Tune List
This index refers to the 575,549 individual tune titles (1,701,015 total entries) included in over 256,741 recording sessions detailed in The Jazz Discography Database as of December 2022.
Important Notice for individuals searching for specific tunes:
Due to time and other constraints, we are unable to respond to requests for discographical data or other information on individual tunes. Many libraries have copies of The Jazz Discography and should be consulted on questions regarding specific tunes. Alternatively, you can purchase a three-month subscription for $29.97 on this web site – see the $9.99 per month subscription price on our home page. Please do not email us as we regret we cannot answer questions about individual tunes.
Tune Title | Sessions |
Advanced Search |
Western rebellion | 1 |
Walltz | 1 |
When I have power | 1 |
Wormleaf | 1 |
We supply | 1 |
Where love lives | 1 |
Winds take forests | 1 |
Wavin' and smilin' | 1 |
What if I should fall in love | 1 |
When it's cold outside | 1 |
Where the tip of the sword settles | 1 |
Wisdom of the humanities | 1 |
Wend | 1 |
Whither | 1 |
Watching the arc of bats | 1 |
Wishful dreaming | 1 |
Washboard Lisa | 1 |
Why do you only call me when you're high ? | 1 |
Where is your wealth ? | 1 |
Wild waves whist | 1 |
Waltz of flowers | 1 |
Wenn ich mich sehe | 1 |
Was fehlt | 1 |
Webt du uberhaupt | 1 |
Wolfe mitten im Mai | 1 |
When the dreams come true | 1 |
Wen yora way | 1 |
Whenever you're around | 1 |
Wintersonnenwende | 1 |
Wipe and erase | 1 |
Wild colours | 1 |
Wake and fake | 1 |
Wasted on the youth | 1 |
Who cooks for you | 1 |
When strength is in your eyes | 1 |
When we are together again | 1 |
Warm rose | 1 |
When there becomes here | 1 |
White bear | 2 |
Write a song for me | 1 |
Whabri | 1 |
Where it begins | 1 |
Winter butterflies | 1 |
Water flower Medusa | 1 |
Woule pou mwen | 1 |
Women of iron | 1 |
When the days were different | 1 |
Where love can be | 1 |
Weirdoes | 1 |
When I was the forest | 1 |
Winter rune | 1 |
Wolf rune | 1 |
Won't get rid of it | 1 |
Wrinkled black tie | 1 |
Wild, etwas romantisch | 1 |
Winding pathway | 1 |
Willow weep | 1 |
We love you, Eskimo | 1 |
Weary Dany | 1 |
Waylenko | 1 |
Whirlpool galaxy M | 1 |
What are you gonna do ? | 1 |
Where is the happiness ? | 1 |
Wind falls cliffs rise | 1 |
Wendt's bent | 1 |
Waltzish | 1 |
Wake up little kids it's Christmas | 1 |
Welcome, our friends | 1 |
Wayman | 1 |
Wolfgang's choral | 1 |
Waedamah | 1 |
Wait for the moon to rise | 1 |
Warren's theme | 1 |
Whispering flame | 1 |
Whole black collision | 1 |
We remember | 1 |
West Side blue | 1 |
Wind of the world's nest | 1 |
Wienerschnitzel | 1 |
When we feel | 1 |
Warm winds in Havana | 1 |
When I'm falling | 1 |
Wudeligv | 1 |
Whispered confessions | 1 |
Wrong band | 1 |
Wiegelied | 1 |
Windhauch | 1 |
Walk talk | 2 |
Woman's drive | 1 |
White claw | 1 |
Winter in June | 1 |
Why don't you go outside ? : | 1 |
Winters sweet | 1 |
Windmills and corn | 1 |
Walk the circle | 2 |
Why can't we all | 1 |
Will of the wind | 2 |
Werther's memories | 1 |
Wurmgott | 1 |
Wiedereroffnung | 1 |