Tune List

This index refers to the 613,864 individual tune titles (1,787,172 total entries) included in over 266,860 recording sessions detailed in The Jazz Discography Database as of February 2025.

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Due to time and other constraints, we are unable to respond to requests for discographical data or other information on individual tunes. Many libraries have copies of The Jazz Discography and should be consulted on questions regarding specific tunes. Alternatively, you can purchase a $9.99 per month subscription price on our home page. Please do not email us as we regret we cannot answer questions about individual tunes.

Tune Title Sessions
Advanced Search
Viking biker waltz1
Valse a bout portant1
Vauxhall to Lambeth Bridge1
View from Battery Point1
Variacoes de Bela1
Vinheta do medo1
Vorrei dire due parole1
Vai querer1
Vibe mambo1
Vostofchnaya melodiya1
Voice from yonder1
Villa air bell1
Vergin, tutto amor1
Vento del sud2
Vento del nord3
Viva verdi2
Village samba1
Voodoo son of a...fender guitar1
Variazioni su un tema di prokofiev1
Variable density1
Voyage for three1
Vibe workshop1
Vitis vinifera1
Voyage for seven1
Valeureux liegeois2
Vila Madalena3
Vieux rap1
Viva la money1
Victims of the darkness1
Vision de variete1
Very late5
Vecerny zvon1
Velka chvila1
V. sedmem poschodi1
Voleur du drame1
Variation sur le theme de Fred1
View from the edge2
Voice la nuit tombee1
Vera Pavlovna's fifth dream1
Via Novara1
Verse for trumpet1
Vieux cabot1
Variations of III1
Vanho japoikia viiksekkaita1
Valzer storto1
Vielle contrebasse1
Variations on the blues1
Variazioni e improvvisazioni su un'antica canzone napoletana1
Variazioni su frammenti tratti da "Sciummo"1
Valentino tango1
Variations and improvisations on an ancient saltarello1
Variazioni su ose shalom1
Vaghissimo ritratto1
Variation on the theme "Near the forest"1
Voice improvisation1
Voice improvisation with gong1
Vinicius medley1
Viaggio con Stefy1
Voice in the grass1
Vanishing dream2
Vassar goes to Harvard1
Variations on my father's footsteps1
Variations on an unoriginal theme1
Variations : lo, how a rose e'er blooming1
Variations on "Winter" from Vivaldi's four seasons1
Voice of Julio Cortozar1
Vie et mort de l'Alexandrin1
Variations sur le temps des cerises1
Variations sur l'appel du Komintern1
Vive la commune2
Virtues of the well1
Voyage from Jericho2
Valley of life1
Vibration blues1
Vindens vejw1
Variation uber "Rauch und moder"1
Verschiedene annaherungen an den ton ges1
Vita pigra ai tropici1
Vasi a Samo1
Vietnamese gospel2
Viva Chuo-line jazz2