Tune List

This index refers to the 613,864 individual tune titles (1,787,172 total entries) included in over 266,860 recording sessions detailed in The Jazz Discography Database as of February 2025.

Important Notice for individuals searching for specific tunes:
Due to time and other constraints, we are unable to respond to requests for discographical data or other information on individual tunes. Many libraries have copies of The Jazz Discography and should be consulted on questions regarding specific tunes. Alternatively, you can purchase a $9.99 per month subscription price on our home page. Please do not email us as we regret we cannot answer questions about individual tunes.

Tune Title Sessions
Advanced Search
Visionary notion1
Velvet horizon1
Voo doo man3
Vineland dreams1
Very 'n boogie1
Velvet arms of midnight1
Video games4
Virgin winds1
Valerie on stage1
Vence na vida quem diz sim1
Valse sentimental1
Video you1
Villa Berg - Werk1
Valse fantastique2
Voie quatre1
Violets and violins2
Varfor inte ?2
Voyage en Tartarie2
Voce nao costa de mim1
Voodoo boogaloo1
Vaike Mees1
Vous faites partie de moi/There's a small hotel1
Vernon Alley's blues1
Voyager duo 1
Voyager duo 1
Voyager duo 1
Voyager duo 1
Voyager duo 1
Voyager duo 1
Voyager duo 1
Voyager duo 1
Visitor from Mars2
Variant I : Zebra, Lion, Camel1
Variant II : Walrus, Ape1
Variant IV2
Variant III2
Var. no. 1
Var. no. 1
Var. no. 1
Var. no. 1
Var. no. 1
Var. no. 1
Var. no. 1
Var. no. 1
Var. no. 1
Var. no. 1
Var. no. 1
Var. no. 1
Var. no. 1
Var. no. 1
Var. no. 1
Var. no. 1
Var. no. 1
Var. no. 1
Var. no. 1
Var. no. 1
Var. no. 1
Var. no. 1
Var. no. 1
Var. no. 1
Var. no. 1
Variations on a theme pt : Nineteen ways of playing a chorus1
Variations on a theme pt : School of rhythm1
Variations on a theme pt : Self Portrait1
Variations on a theme pt : Feeling tomorrow like I feel today1
V-Disc stomp3
Velvet night2
Victim of a broken heart1
Vengeance is mine2
Vic's riff1
Vic's tune1
Valzer dell uccellino1
Visa i sommartid1
Verily, I say unto thee, today shalt thou be with me in paradise1
Verano de alegria1
Vapauden hattu1
Viva la cassa del mezzogiorno1
Vals pa lek1
Visa fran djura1
Vals Fran Enviken2
Very very east1
Valse lyriste1
Viggo's waltz1
Vision of the master on a foggy road1