Tune List
This index refers to the 575,549 individual tune titles (1,701,015 total entries) included in over 256,741 recording sessions detailed in The Jazz Discography Database as of December 2022.
Important Notice for individuals searching for specific tunes:
Due to time and other constraints, we are unable to respond to requests for discographical data or other information on individual tunes. Many libraries have copies of The Jazz Discography and should be consulted on questions regarding specific tunes. Alternatively, you can purchase a three-month subscription for $29.97 on this web site – see the $9.99 per month subscription price on our home page. Please do not email us as we regret we cannot answer questions about individual tunes.
Tune Title | Sessions |
Advanced Search |
Uneasy | 2 |
Underwaterbonk | 1 |
Und i tua nur vorn leit'n | 1 |
Under Cuban skies | 1 |
Unauthorized funk | 1 |
Uhnkunkh | 2 |
Uniun | 2 |
Uhnunuu | 2 |
Unkunkunku | 2 |
Up's and | 1 |
Up down, down up | 1 |
Un air qui passe | 1 |
Ubirr | 1 |
Udubop | 1 |
Uncle Tom's dead | 1 |
Une nuit au St. James | 1 |
Urban kilt | 1 |
Upepidde | 1 |
Ultimo fandango | 1 |
Und so weiter, and so on | 1 |
Unless you got lost on purpose, you would never get this far | 1 |
Underwater song | 1 |
Undreamt | 1 |
Urban folk song | 2 |
Uncle Harbo | 1 |
Urban vibez | 1 |
Uberraschend kurzer marsch | 1 |
Uma bencao | 1 |
Uni-son-tri-ton | 1 |
Unlimited beauty | 1 |
Urban landscape | 2 |
Up on all 's | 1 |
Un bout de papier | 1 |
Unity groove | 1 |
Units | 1 |
Unsolved mystery | 2 |
Under the knife | 1 |
Unitune | 1 |
Unfolding stone | 1 |
Un poeta | 1 |
U no who I m | 1 |
U.W.G. | 1 |
Unspoken oath | 1 |
Usmiou | 1 |
Upon prisms the form has taken | 1 |
Umlaut urlaub | 1 |
Umlaut urlaub | 1 |
Umlaut urlaub | 1 |
Under the sky of fire | 1 |
Urban march | 1 |
Uniforms | 1 |
Ubergang & ein platz an der sonne | 1 |
Ubergang & heliobrasil | 1 |
und schenk uns intakte organe | 1 |
Upside-down turtle | 1 |
Udso | 1 |
Und plastikschweine | 1 |
Umamoya jabula | 1 |
Unison jamboree | 1 |
Unmei | 2 |
Unexpected yesterday | 1 |
Um a zero-ixo | 1 |
Uretan platel | 1 |
Urotel zinom | 1 |
United new age | 1 |
Uncle Teacosy's corn roast | 1 |
Une autre histoire | 1 |
Ugri bop | 1 |
Up in the mother | 1 |
Ungrund | 2 |
Universality | 1 |
Un po' di la' del mare | 1 |
Ul altra citta | 1 |
Una lucciola d'agosto | 1 |
Ultimation | 1 |
Un aeroplano a vela | 1 |
Una barco scura | 1 |
Underrhythm | 1 |
Uiku | 1 |
Under current | 2 |
Uncurling | 1 |
Unspoken thought | 1 |
Urgestrauss | 2 |
Unapproachable you | 1 |
Upon seeing exceptionally strange-looking people or animals | 1 |
Una Stella minore | 1 |
Unknown kingdom | 1 |
Under the influence of love | 1 |
Until you | 2 |
Un poco de Elfida | 1 |
Uncle bucket | 2 |
Ud og lege | 1 |
Una vecchia favola di Krilov | 1 |
Uncle Fritz | 1 |
Unknown child | 1 |
Under sail | 1 |
Untitled-titled | 1 |
Under the salt of stars | 1 |
Umpsukkelis | 1 |
Uncle ZigZag | 1 |