Tune List
This index refers to the 575,549 individual tune titles (1,701,015 total entries) included in over 256,741 recording sessions detailed in The Jazz Discography Database as of December 2022.
Important Notice for individuals searching for specific tunes:
Due to time and other constraints, we are unable to respond to requests for discographical data or other information on individual tunes. Many libraries have copies of The Jazz Discography and should be consulted on questions regarding specific tunes. Alternatively, you can purchase a three-month subscription for $29.97 on this web site – see the $9.99 per month subscription price on our home page. Please do not email us as we regret we cannot answer questions about individual tunes.
Tune Title | Sessions |
Advanced Search |
Q.E. | 1 |
Queen Cha Cha's multi-colored worm | 1 |
Quotatious | 1 |
Quaglio | 1 |
Quick trick | 2 |
Quirky | 4 |
Quien sabe ? | 8 |
Quarter to... | 1 |
Quick-motion picture with a brake shoe | 1 |
Quiet neighbors moaning | 1 |
Quiet lake | 1 |
Quartenwalzer | 3 |
Quiet afternoon | 13 |
Que sera | 8 |
Quand tu danses | 2 |
Quand j'entends cet air-la | 1 |
Quint | 4 |
Que reste-t-il de nos amour | 3 |
Quadro | 1 |
Quadriglia | 1 |
Quand les fourmis auront le temps | 1 |
Que les etoiles envoient | 1 |
Quand le chant percute et ricoche | 1 |
Quiet dawn | 15 |
Quoi faire | 1 |
Que tom que e ? | 1 |
Quand l'amour meurt | 2 |
Quand y'en a Bourdin, y'en a bour deux | 1 |
Quieta | 1 |
Quickstep | 5 |
Quatemala's dance | 1 |
Quadralog | 1 |
Quick as a wink | 1 |
Qaf | 2 |
Qurb | 1 |
Quiet force | 2 |
Quase ilusao | 1 |
Quarenta graus a sombra | 1 |
Quirky jerk | 1 |
Quiet days | 7 |
Que Coisa Linda | 1 |
Que' paso | 6 |
Q it up | 1 |
Quiet and blue | 2 |
Quiet city | 2 |
Quickening | 10 |
Qu'importe l'injustice | 1 |
Quella cosa che si chiama encore | 1 |
Quo qui's groove | 2 |
Qui sait ? | 2 |
Quizas ? | 4 |
Quazimoto | 1 |
Qual e o po | 1 |
Quiet evening at home | 1 |
Quiet distance | 1 |
QBIC | 1 |
Quien sabes tu | 1 |
Quincey Street stomp | 4 |
Quiet mood | 1 |
Quiet as the moon | 1 |
Quand un bateau blanc | 1 |
Quiet pond | 1 |
Question mark blues | 1 |
Qiuitate el chaqeton | 1 |
Quirino | 1 |
Quincy's quik | 1 |
Qpdbqp | 1 |
Questions and answers | 9 |
Quick and running | 1 |
Queen Cleo | 1 |
Quetsch | 1 |
Quisiera saber | 1 |
Quand tes maisons couleur de chair... | 1 |
Quantum leap | 5 |
Quicker than the eye | 1 |
Quinta das torrinhas | 4 |
Quilt from Nairobi | 1 |
Quadrivium | 1 |
Queen Isabella | 5 |
Que pasa chica | 1 |
Quiessence | 2 |
Quiescent nights | 1 |
Quete parcee | 1 |
Que ne sert qu'a nous faire trembler | 1 |
Quatre-epices et cing-parfums | 1 |
Quiet motion | 2 |
Q-west | 1 |
Quesita | 1 |
Quitte la ville | 1 |
Quiet land | 2 |
Quick step motion | 1 |
Quinn Martin | 1 |
Queen of the tangent | 1 |
Qu'est-que-ce | 1 |
Queer notions | 17 |
Qualcosa verso azzurro | 1 |
Quarto azul | 1 |
Quick and easy | 1 |
Que saisir sinon | 1 |
Quartet blues | 1 |