Tune List

This index refers to the 575,549 individual tune titles (1,701,015 total entries) included in over 256,741 recording sessions detailed in The Jazz Discography Database as of December 2022.

Important Notice for individuals searching for specific tunes:
Due to time and other constraints, we are unable to respond to requests for discographical data or other information on individual tunes. Many libraries have copies of The Jazz Discography and should be consulted on questions regarding specific tunes. Alternatively, you can purchase a three-month subscription for $29.97 on this web site – see the $9.99 per month subscription price on our home page. Please do not email us as we regret we cannot answer questions about individual tunes.

Tune Title Sessions
Advanced Search
Horizon flicker1
Hope through sadness1
Hidden realities1
House of reflections1
Hare & crow1
Hena masa waja1
Hermit footsteps1
Hexed by a snail1
Histoire de blues1
Heavenly Billie1
Hold your piece1
Helen's intro1
His/her future lullaby1
Himalayan swallow song1
Homeless hobo1
Haggis hunt1
Home for brunch1
Hey, Richie1
Hide and squeak1
How they washed my brain1
Hippierock will burn for you1
Hexa twins1
Hexa organum1
Hexa waves1
Half off1
Hydrants love all1
Hip hop con clave1
HaeNyeo pearls1
Hate is the basis1
Hang up your hang ups version1
Habana blues chronicle1
How can we ?1
Held in1
Half year song1
Hear this !1
Het kabinet1
Humming ships1
Hieronymous visiting the skating rink while being terribly in love.1
Hamman he1
Hannah's riff1
Hotting it up1
Hi ha1
Heckler City1
Hymnus reprise1
Highschool song1
Hay algo en ti ...1
Hope or less1
He has made me whole1
Hunger and murder1
Hidden traditions1
Harmon dance1
Hau ruck1
Horizonte inteiro1
House in the valley1
Han's blues1
Harry's prize1
Hire desire1
Help me during the rainy season, and I will help you during the dry season.1
Hiding from a riff1
Hassan's nap1
Hargrove/McBride warm-up1
He keeps me singing1
How majestic is Thy name1
Have you seen Robert Boston ?1
Hansel and Gretel1
He who began a good work1
Haiku I - Pluie d'automne1
Haiku II - Le corbeau1
Horns solo1
Helas ! Terre lamentable ...1
Hecate, Hecate1
Half moon lights1
Half a polo1
Ho tia loka1
How's Joe ? Joe is fine. Yes but why ?1
Hala, tumba and timbal1
High desert winter1
Hot-house rag1
How can I miss you if you never go away1
Horas mortas1
Hats & bags1
Hullo my baby1
Hungry birds1
Highgate copalite1
Huit bis1
Heart in port1
Heile weltschmerz2