Your Internet Browser

Depending on how much space your internet browser header takes up you may want to use the "Full Screen" button to maximize the amount of data presented on your screen.

If you use the fixed panel "Favorites" list you may want to suppress that to maximize the horizontal width of the discography screen display.

Under the button "My Preferences" the following have been set as default settings:

Lines on Index Screens: 200
Sessions on Detail Screens: 250

These are the maximum settings and have been selected to minimize the number of pages needed to be viewed for a given search. For example, with these settings, it only takes two pages to view the large number of sessions in a Miles Davis Leader search.

If your browser is running too slow at these settings please reduce the numbers until it runs at an acceptable speed.


As this online database is a web application it is not possible to have the same print button as on the CD-ROMs. To print out a session place the cursor at the top left of the session number at the top of the session. Left click your mouse and hold the button down. Drag the cursor to the right and down until all the information on the session is highlighted. In the top left corner of your Internet browser click on "File", then click on "Print". In the dialog box that comes up click on "Selection", then click on "Print". The highlighted session information will print out. It is possible to print out more than one session - simply highlight the number of sessions you want to print out and follow the same procedure.

Copy & Paste

To copy & paste a session, place the cursor at the top left of the session number at the top of the session. Left click your mouse and hold the button down. Drag the cursor to the right and down until all the information on the session is highlighted. Right click anywhere on the highlighted area and click on "Copy". Then go to your document and click on "Paste". For multiple sessions simply highlight all the sessions and follow the same procedure.

CD Session Printing

This feature prints session information sized to cut out to insert into an audio CD case.

Search for the recording session you want, then click on the record company release number. You can also do a record label search in order to find a given release.

A button called "CD Cover" will appear at the top left of the recording session. Click on this button and follow the instructions to do the printout.

If you have two computers

If you have two computers it is not possible to login into TJD Online on both computers at the same time. However, you can use the "Logout" button to close the program on one computer, then you can open the program on the second computer. To go back and use the first computer you must use the logout button on the second computer before you log on to the first computer.